The ultimate prize goes to the teams and organizations that create a culture where people with different backgrounds, experiences and styles feel they belong and can thrive. For us, different means not like the dominant coalition. That includes women, ethnic minorities, different nationalities, people with different backgrounds and people with different styles. There are two angles to creating such a culture. On the one hand, we can help diverse employees understand how to thrive in the organization, take control of their careers and not lose themselves along the way.
We can help managers understand what they need to do and not do on a daily basis that creates a truly inclusive environment where trust and collaboration are the norm. We help managers understand the impact they are having with their diverse talent, appreciate the challenges of diverse talent, intervene in their teams to engage talent and to build trust with all of their talent. We have multiple tools at our disposal for achieving the above – from storyboards, to individual feedback and coaching, to nudges. We do this with small groups of managers and with individual managers.

Diverse talent, for example women, often miss the rules of the game for managing their careers. For example, they miss the networking and sponsorship. They also miss the value of peer confidents. We have a formula for solving these challenges. We bring groups together to build camaraderie, share experiences, understand what to do to have greater impact in the organization and take back control of their careers. We also coach individual talent at key turning points in their careers. While our primary experience has been with women, we have found that the process works with any diverse group.
For women at the mid-career stage who are looking to make the leap to a more senior position, whether that’s MD, VP, Director or Head of Department, we have the formula for helping you get there. Our clients have had great success with the tactics and techniques we impart through our leadership coaching programs. If you'd like to book a standard coaching or power coaching session, or would simply like to have an initial conversation, click below to book an appointment.